

Salesperson - Riga City's J.Jermolajevas multisectoral individual company “ŅIKIJS”, VRN 40002088019, registered office Dārziņu 29. līnija, 22, Rīga, LV-1063, current account LV68HABA0551053338511, AS Swedbank, bank code HABALV22, e-mail [email protected], Tel. + 37129435360.

Buyer: any natural or legal person.

Goods - Digital goods (files) in an Internet shop.

Distance contract

The regulatory enactments of the Republic of Latvia prescribe that the owner of an Internet shop must clarify the terms of delivery and return of goods (including digital), as well as the right of withdrawal. Such a reservation is called a distance contract (BOM rules).

The seller of digital goods offered in this Internet shop, on the one hand, hereinafter referred to as Salesperson, and the natural or legal person placing an order in this Internet shop, hereinafter called “Buyer”, on the other hand, concludes the Agreement on the sale-purchase and delivery of digital goods in line with the Supplier's capabilities and the Purchaser's orders and orders.

Procedures for Supply and Payment

The purchaser orders digital goods through this home page, specifying the names and total quantities of digital goods units to be ordered. The customer has the ability to pay for digital goods by using the payment tools built into the Internet Store - PayPal, banknotes, bank cards, or to pay the vendor's invoicing and invoicing sent to the Buyer by email. The invoice shall be prepared electronically and shall be valid without signature. The vendor supports the delivery of digital goods immediately after receiving payment for digital goods (if the payment is made through embedded payment tools) - after automatic payment (PayPal, Banklink, bank cards), when returning to the Order page, a link will be provided to the Buyer to download the document file, and an e-mail letter that will include the link will also be sent. download a document file. If the payment is made according to the invoice for the order sent to the Buyer by e-mail, the delivery of the document file shall take place by e-mail within 3 (three) working days after the transfer of the money to the Bank Settlement Account. After the purchase is made, the purchaser receives a proof of purchase that the announcement screen after the purchase is made, which can be printed, and when you receive an appropriate message to the customer's e-mail.

If the purchase by order has occurred (the file download link was issued to the Purchaser by and also by e-mail), no refund of the money to the Buyer on the Salesperson's side for the digital item will take place.

When connecting to an electronic bank or electronic payment system, customers enter the data on the bank's home page, so this information is not available at

Cancellation of order, right of withdrawal, refund of money

The buyer can cancel the order at any time he has not completed the order. The order is considered as finished on condition that the Buyer has filled in all fields on the order form, met the terms of use of the i-shop, and has received a link to download the file. The buyer may exercise the right of withdrawal only until the digital item (file) has been downloaded. The Buyer cannot exercise the right of withdrawal after the file has been downloaded because the Buyer is deemed to acquire the file immediately after receiving the download link. If, due to technical reasons or due to the fault of the Buyer, the sending of the file link by e-mail has not occurred at the time of the order, or the Buyer closed the re-service program before the link was applied to the file, the Buyer has the right (stating his identity) to ask the Supplier to send the purchased file in hand mode.

Procedures for Dispute Settlement

Any dispute between the Supplier and the Buyer shall be settled by negotiation between the Parties. If the Parties cannot agree with each other, disputes shall be settled in accordance with the procedures specified in the regulatory enactments of the Republic of Latvia.

Data Processing

Supplier collects Customer Personal Data to allow acceptance, administration and execution of Purchasers' Item Orders, including, but not limited to, payment processing, delivery of goods, invoicing, communication with Buyers on issues related to orders and their execution, consideration of these issues, etc.

When entering the necessary information, when drawing up the order, the Buyer shall certify that he or she has met and agrees that the data provided by him is used so that the Salesperson can accept the Purchaser's order and perform the delivery of the goods in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory enactments of the Republic of Latvia. When entering the information, the Buyer agrees that it will send notices related to the handling of the Buyer Order to the specified e-mail. The processing of data shall be carried out in accordance with the Law on the Processing of Natural Personal Data of the Republic of Latvia.

Customer browsing data recorded during each session on the website and (or) on the mobile application remained in accordance with the agreement of the Buyers, which they provide when accepting the choice of cookies. Due to the fact that orders are executed without customer registration, all unregistered Customer data is collected and processed only anonymously and does not allow the identification of a particular person.